

科目区分 教養教育科目(教養) 対象学年(以上) 1年
科目名称 日本と異文化の交流 単位数 2.00単位
講義題目 日本と異文化の交流 曜日・時限 金曜4限
担当教員 エドガー ライト ポープ 開講時期 2019年度前期
到達目標 The purpose of this course is for students to gain an understanding of Japan’s interactions with other (mainly Western) countries during the 19th and early 20th centuries, and of the resulting changes in Japan’s music culture. It is hoped that a grasp of this crucial period in Japan’s history will also help students to understand contemporary Japan and its ongoing interactions with other cultures.
授業概要 Through lectures, readings, videos, and audio recordings, this course will introduce students to the changes that unfolded in Japan’s music culture during the Bakumatsu and Meiji periods, when the opening of the country to interaction with Western countries had initiated a complex transformation in Japanese culture and society. The course will conclude by introducing the origins of modern Japanese popular music in the Taishō and early Shōwa periods.
授業計画 Schedule:

1. Introduction – ‘Western’ military music arrives in Japan (Fife-and-Drum Bands, Army and Navy bands)
2. Japanese traditional musicians adapt to Bunmeikaika 1 (Gagaku)
3. Japanese traditional musicians adapt to Bunmeikaika 2 (Nō, shamisen genres, Kawakami Otojirō in Paris)
4. The Meiji music education system and shōka (Luther Whiting Mason and Izawa Shūji)
5. Chinese music in Meiji Japan (Minshingaku)
6. Social dance and dance music (The Rokumeikan, passenger ship bands, private dance bands)
7. Gunka of the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese warsT
8. Musical changes in late Meiji (enka-shi, new musical instruments, the beginning of the record industry)
9. The birth of commercial popular song (“Kachūsha no Uta” and Shinmin’yō)
10. “Jazz songs,” radio, and the expansion of the record industry (“Arabia no Uta” and “Aozora”)
11. Japan’s Jazz Age (“Dinah”, Hattori Ryōichi and Sugii Kōichi)
12. Geisha singers
13. Popular music and the 15-Year War (gunka and continental melodies)
14. The postwar resurgence of popular music
15. Summary and Review

授業外学習 Out-of-class preparation:
Reading of assigned material, report writing, and preparation for the final exam
履修上の注意 Important: This course will be conducted in English with some usage of Japanese where necessary. The contents of this course may be subject to modification at the discretion of the instructor.
成績評価の方法 Method of Evaluation: Class participation 20%, report 30%, final exam 50%.
Students will submit a written report worth 30% of the final grade. More than five absences during the semester will automatically result in a fail.
教科書 There is no textbook. Printed readings will be provided in class.
参考書 Information on reference materials will be provided in class.