
Expressing your ideas (Writing and Speaking)

科目区分 教養教育科目(外国語科目) 対象学年(以上) 3年
科目名称 Expressing your ideas (Writing and Speaking) 単位数 1.00単位
講義題目 Your Opinion Matters 曜日・時限 木曜3限
担当教員 フローレス アナ マリア 開講時期 2019年度後期
到達目標 This course specifically seeks to explore strategies for communicating effectively in a variety of controversial topics, i.e., expressing opinion, asking for clarification, interrupting, expressing agreement/disagreement, etcetera.
授業概要 The course focuses on a range of skillsets, including improving reading and listening comprehension, participating in class discussions, understanding conversational strategies, giving group presentations, asking and answering questions, interacting effectively, and improving through self-evaluation.
授業計画 Week 1 Course Introduction, Getting to know each other.
Week 2 Conspiracy Theories Unit I Taboo Talk
Week 3 Do we need royals? Unit 2 Taboo Talk
Week 4 Bad manners in public Unit 3 Taboo Talk
Week 5 Bullying Unit 4 Taboo Talk
Week 6 Gambling Unit 8 Taboo Tallk
Week 7 Alcohol Unit 9 Taboo Talk
Week 8 Lessons on writing a reaction and a reflection paper (in preparation for Week 15)
Week 9 Sexual Harassment Unit 12 Taboo Talk
Week 10 Gay Unit 15 Taboo Talk
Week 11 Debate (gathering of data)
Week 12 Debate (preparation for the debate)
Week 13 Debate (first set)
Week 14 Debate (second set)
Week 15 Writing of a reflection paper about the course and the class

授業外学習 Students can expect to spend 60 minutes for homework for each hour of class.
履修上の注意 A) Students are expected to attend class regularly.
B) Students who miss 4 classes will receive a “D” (i.e. fail).
C) Students who are unable to do all the required recorded conversations and presentations will receive a “D” (i.e. fail).
D) Three lates will be equivalent to one absence.
E) Weekly topics and lessons may be modified depending on the learning needs of the class.

成績評価の方法 ● Homework 20%
● Classroom Participation 40%
● Final Report 40% (debate and presentation)

教科書 Taboo Talk
Jonathan Lynch
CENGAGE Learning

参考書 1. A4-size notebook with at least 100 pages (REQUIRED).
2. Portfolio folder with three-hole punch
3. Electronic dictionary/paper dictionary
4. One clear file