

科目区分 教養教育科目(外国語科目) 対象学年(以上) 2年
科目名称 英語II 単位数 1.00単位
講義題目 Fluency Development in Communication, Comprehesion and Writing II 曜日・時限 火曜1限
担当教員 フローレス アナ マリア 開講時期 2019年度前期
到達目標 ● Use reading strategies (skimming, scanning, previewing)
● Distinguish fact from opinion
● Understand rhetorical patterns
● Understand the meaning of words from context
● Recognize the purpose and tone of the text
● Identify the main idea and supporting ideas of a paragraph or text
● Preview an English text and make predictions about it
● Read, understand and discuss graded readers (OUP Level 4 or higher)
● Summarize stories
● Connect readings with other literature
● Read, understand,and discuss authentic materials on current issues
● Use conventions for specific writing genres such as narration, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, evaluation and persuasion, and classification

授業概要 This course focuses on the critical and analytical reading skills necessary for success with college level materials and materials designed for native speakers of English. Students will demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate readings through class discussions, book reviews, presentation of book reviews, and writing assignments. Students will also develop critical thinking skills through reading and by summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, responding to, and evaluating readings. Students will be given extensive work on understanding and analyzing main ideas and supporting details of journals, articles and essays. Students will learn grammar and academic vocabulary in the context of the reading materials.
授業計画 Week 1 Recognizing point of view
Week 2 Compare and contrast different articles about a particular issue in politics
(either local or foreign)
Week 3 Previewing and predicting,HW(1)summary,Graded Reader Activity(1)
Group preparation for writing about Week one’s topic
Week 4 Understanding figurative language,HW(2)summary,Graded Reader Activity(2)
First draft of the writing project
Week 5 Understanding implied main ideas,HW(3)summary,Graded Reader Activity(3)
Second draft of the writing project
Week 6 Scanning and visualizing,HW(4)summary,Graded Reader Activity(4)
Final submission of the writing project
Week 7 Classroom feedback on the writing project
Week 8 Preparation for a book review presentation (group work)
Week 9 Preparation for a book review presentation (group work)
Week 10 Book review presentation (first set)
Week 11 Book review presentation (second set)
Week 12 Feedback on the book review presentation
Week 13 Understanding APA and MLA Style, Graded Reader Activity(5)
Week 14 Using word parts to guess meaning, Graded Reader Activity(6)
Week 15 Review
Final examination
授業外学習 ​​​​● Students will be given LISTEN AND READ activities once a week to provide review of the language and topics discussed in the previous class
● Students will practice listening with the Student CD
● Homework will be assigned from the textbook
● Students can expect to spend 60 minutes for homework for each hour of class.

履修上の注意 A) Students are expected to attend class regularly.
B) Students who miss 4 classes will receive a D (fail).
C) Students who are unable to do all the required recorded conversations and presentations will receive a D (fail).
D) Three lates will be equivalent to one absence.
E) Weekly topics and lessons may be modified depending on the learning needs of the class.

成績評価の方法 ● Homework 15%
● Classwork and Quizzes 15%
● Classroom Participation 20%
● Recorded Conversation/Presentation 20%
● Final Assessment 30%

教科書 Great Writing 3 Third Edition, Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri Solomon and David Clabeaux
From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays
CENGAGE Learning

参考書 To be referred to in the class when appropriate.