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Calendar Help

Use the tabs across the top of the calendar screen to select different 
ways of viewing the organization's calendar. 

Use the "previous" and "next" links to scroll through the dates to 
reach the date you are interested in, or alternatively you can select 
a date from the drop-down menus and click on "jump" to go there directly. 

In any of the week/month views you can click on an individual date to 
view the details of events happening on that particular day.

The default view of the calendar is to show all the important dates 
in the organization. However, if you are only interested in (for example) 
dates relevant to one category of events, you can use the tick boxes and 
"filter" button near the top of the page to make the the calendar show 
only those dates. You can have as many selection criteria as you like, 
but note that you will need to make sure "view all" is NOT ticked if you 
want the filtering to work.

On all screens, you can hover the mouse over a particular event to find out 
more information about it. There may also be supplementary information for the 
event which you can find by clicking on it.